
Grade Level Expectations

All students in Missouri are expected meet certain standards for each grade level.  This page is a resource for parents as to what their child will be expected to learn this year in Mrs. Mana's class.  If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Mana

Communication Arts


1  Develop and apply skills and strategies to the reading process

C.        Phonics

* Apply decoding strategies to independently “problem-solve” unknown words when reading when needed

D.        Fluency

* Read grade-level instructional text

a.     with fluency, accuracy and expression

b.     adjusting reading rate to difficulty and type of text

E.         Vocabulary

Develop vocabulary through text, using

a.     root words

b.     synonyms and antonyms

c.     context clues

d.     glossary

e.     dictionary, with assistance

F.         Pre-Reading

* Apply pre-reading strategies to aid comprehension:

a.     access prior knowledge

b.     preview

c.     predict with evidence

d.     set a purpose for reading

G.        During Reading

* During reading, utilize strategies to

a.     determine meaning of unknown words

b.     self-monitor comprehension

c.     question the text

d.     infer

e.     visualize

f.        paraphrase

g.     summarize

H.        Post-Reading

Apply post-reading skills to demonstrate comprehension of text:

a.   answer basic comprehension questions

b.   identify and explain the relationship between the main idea and supporting details

c.     make predictions

*d.    question to clarify

*e.    reflect

f.    draw conclusions

g.    analyze

h.    paraphrase

i.    summarize

I.          Making Connections

Identify and explain relevant connections between

a. text to text (text ideas --- information and  relationships in various fiction and non-fiction works--compare and contrast)

*b. text to self (text ideas and own experiences)

*c. text to world (text ideas and the world)


2  Develop and apply skills and strategies to comprehend, analyze and evaluate fiction, poetry and drama from a variety of cultures and times

A.        Text Features

Use grade level text to

a.     locate and apply information in title, table of contents and glossary

b.     locate and recognize the text features of fiction, poetry and drama

B.         Literary Techniques

Identify and/or explain examples of sensory details , sound devices, and figurative language in text along with basic literary techniques

C.        Literary Elements

Use details from text to

a.     demonstrate comprehension skills previously introduced

b.     make inferences

c.     compare and contrast 

d.     identify cause and effect

e.     identify the narrator

f.        identify events from the beginning, middle and end

g.     identify author's purpose    

h.     identify settings, character traits, and problems and solutions 


3   Develop and apply skills and strategies to comprehend, analyze and evaluate nonfiction (such as biographies, newspapers, technical manuals) from a variety of cultures and times

A.        Text Features

Locate and interpret key information in illustrations, title, chapter headings, table of contents, glossary, charts, diagrams, graphs, captions and maps

B.         Literary Techniques

Identify and/or explain examples of sensory details , sound devices, and figurative language in text along with basic literary techniques

C.        Text Structures

Use details from text to 

a.     demonstrate comprehension skills previously introduced

b.     answer questions

c.     explain main idea and supporting details

d.     sequence events

e.     identify simple cause and effect

f.        draw conclusions

g.     compare and contrast

h.     make inferences

i.         identify author's purpose for writing text

j.         identify problems and solutions

D.        Understanding Directions

* Read and follow two- and three-step directions to complete a simple task



1  Apply a writing process in composing text

A.        Writing Process

Follow a writing process to

a.     independently use a simple pre-writing strategy

b.     generate a draft

c.     reread and revise work for audience and purpose, ideas and content, organization and sentence structure, and word choice (refer to W2A, W2B, W2C, W2D)

d.     edit for conventions (refer to W2E)

*e.   share writing


2  Compose well-developed text

A.        Audience and Purpose

Compose text

a.     showing awareness of  audience

b.     in a format appropriate to audience and purpose

B.         Ideas and Content

Compose text with

a.     a clear controlling idea

b.     relevant details /examples

C.        Organization and Sentence STructure

Compose text with

a.     a beginning, middle and end

b.     sentence variety (including imperative and exclamatory)

D.        Word Choice

Compose text using words that are related to the topic, and some words that are specific and accurate

E.         Conventions

In written text

a.  space correctly  between words in a sentence and in margins

b. capitalize months of year, titles of individuals, greeting and closing of letter

c. use correct ending punctuation in imperative and exclamatory sentences

d. correctly use verbs that agree with the subject, and comparative and superlative forms of adverbs and adjectives

e. correctly spell simple compounds, homophones,  contractions and words with affixes

f. use standard spelling and classroom resources, including dictionary, to edit for correct spelling

*g.   write legibly

3  Write effectively in various forms and types of writing

A.        Forms/Types/Modes of Writing


a.     narrative, descriptive, expository, and/or persuasive texts, using appropriate text features

b.     text emphasizing the format of diary/journal entries and friendly letters


Listening and Speaking

1   Develop and apply effective listening skills and strategies

A.        Purpose for Listening


· for enjoyment

· for information

· to distinguish fact from opinion

· for directions to complete a two- or three-step task

B.         Listening Behavior

Demonstrate listening behaviors (e.g., prepares to listen, listens without interruptions, maintains eye contact)


2   Develop and apply effective speaking skills and strategies for various audiences and purposes

A.        Discussion and Presentation

Speak clearly, stay on topic and use appropriate volume and pace when sharing ideas

B.         Giving Directions

Give clear two- and three-step oral directions to complete a simple task


Information Literacy

1   Develop and apply effective research process skills to gather, analyze and evaluate information

A.        Research Plan

Formulate keywords and questions to investigate topics

B.         Acquire Information

Locate information on keywords in provided resources

C.        Record Information

Use resources to

a.  identify relevant information

b.  record main ideas and important details in own words

c.  record information using organizational strategies

D.        Sources Consulted

Informally give credit for others’ ideas, images and information found in various resources

2   Develop and apply effective skills and strategies to analyze and evaluate oral and visual media

A.        Media Messages

Identify intended messages conveyed through oral and visual media



Numbers and Operations

1.         Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers and number systems

A.        Read, write and compare numbers

read, write and compare whole numbers up to 10,000

B.         Represent and use rational numbers

*represents halves, thirds and fourths

C.        Compose and decompose numbers

recognize equivalent representations for the same number and generate them by decomposing and composing numbers including expanded notation

D.        Classify and describe numeric relationships

classify numbers by their characteristics, including odd and even


2.         Understand meanings of operations and how they relate to one another

A.        Represent Operations

*represent/model a given situation involving multiplication and related division using various models including sets, arrays, areas, repeated addition/sub-traction, sharing and partitioning

B.         Describe effects of operations

*describe the effects of adding and subtracting whole numbers as well as the relationship between the two operations

3.  Compute fluently and make reasonable estimates

A.        Describe or represent mental strategies

*represent a mental strategy used to compute a given multiplication problem up to 9 x 9

B.         Develop and Demonstrate fluency

use strategies to develop fluency with basic number relationships (9 X 9) of multiplication and division

C.        Compute problems

apply and describe the strategy used to compute up to 3-digit addition or subtraction


D.        Estimate and justify solutions

estimate and justify sums and differences of whole numbers


Algebraic Relationships

1.  Understand patterns, relations and functions

A.  Recognize and extend patterns

extend geometric (shapes) and numeric patterns to find the next term

B.  Create and analyze patterns

represent patterns using words, tables or graphs


2.  Represent and analyze mathematical situations and structures using algebraic symbols

A.  Represent mathematical situations

using all operations, represent a mathematical situation as an expression or number sentence

B.  Describe and use mathematical manipulation

use  the commutative, distributive and associative properties for basic facts of whole numbers


 3.  Use mathematical models to represent and understand quantitative relationships

A.  Use mathematical models

*model problem situations, including multiplication with objects or drawings


4.  Analyze change in various contexts

A.  Analyze change

*describe quantitative change, such as students growing two inches in a year


Geometric and Spatial Relationships

1.  Analyze characteristics and properties of two- and three-dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships

A.        Describe and use geometric relationships

compare  and analyze 2- dimensional shapes by describing their attributes (circle, rectangle, rhombus, trapezoid,  triangle)

C.        Compose and decompose shapes

*predict the results of putting together or taking apart 2- and 3- dimensional shapes


2.  Specify locations and describe spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other representational systems

A.        Use coordinate systems

*describe location using common language and geometric vocabulary (forward, back, left, right, north, south, east, west)


3.  Apply transformations and use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations

A.        Use transformations of objects

determine if two objects are congruent through a slide, flip or turn

C.        Use symmetry

identify lines of symmetry in polygons



1.  Understand measurable attributes of objects and the units, systems and processes of measurement

A.        Determine unit of measurement

*identify, justify and use the appropriate unit of measure (linear, time, weight)

C.        Tell and use units of time

tell time to the nearest  five minutes

D.        Count and compute money

determine change from $5.00 and add and subtract money values to $5.00


2.  Apply appropriate techniques, tools and formulas to determine measurements

A.        Use standard or nonstandard units of measurement

*use a referent for measures to make comparisons and estimates

C.        Apply geometric measurements

determine the perimeter of polygons


Data and Probability

1.         Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and college, organize and display relevant data to answer them

A.        Formulate questions

*design investigations to address a given question

C.        Represent and interpret data

read and interpret information from  line plots and graphs (bar, line, pictorial)


2.  Select and use appropriate statistical methods to analyze data

A.        Describe and analyze data

*describe the shape of data and analyze it for patterns

3.  Develop and evaluate inferences and predictions that are based on data

A.        Develop and evaluate inferences

*discuss events related to students' experiences as likely or unlikely



Strand 1: Properties and Principles of Matter and Energy

1. Changes in properties and states of matter provide evidence of the atomic theory of matter

D.        Physical changes in the state of matter that result from thermal changes can be explained by the Kinetic Theory of Matter


a.     Compare the observable physical properties of solids, liquids, or gases (air) (i.e., visible vs. invisible, changes in shape, changes in the amount of space occupied)

b.     Identify everyday objects/substances as solid, liquid, or gas (e.g., air, water)

c.     Observe and identify that water evaporates (liquid water changes into a gas as it moves into the air)

d.     Measure and compare the temperature of water when it exists as a solid to its temperature when it exists as a liquid

e.     Investigate and observe that water can change from a liquid to a solid (freeze), and back again to a liquid (melt), as the result of temperature changes

f.        Describe the changes in the physical properties of water (i.e., shape, volume) when frozen or melted

Predict and investigate the effect of heat (thermal energy) (i.e., change in temperature, melting, evaporation) on objects and materials


2.  Energy has a source, can be stored, and can be transferred but is conserved within a system

A.        Forms of energy have a source, a means of transfer (work and heat), and a receiver

a.     Identify sources of thermal energy (e.g., Sun, stove, fire, body) that can cause solids to change to liquids, and liquids to change to gas

b.     Identify sources of light energy (e.g., Sun, bulbs, flames)

c.     Observe light being transferred from the source to the receiver (eye) through space

d.     Identify the three things (light source, object, and surface) necessary to produce a shadow

C.        Electromagnetic energy from the Sun (solar radiation) is a major source of energy on Earth

a.     Identify the Sun as the primary source of light and food energy on Earth


Strand 3:  Characteristics and Interactions of Living Organisms

1.  There is a fundamental unity underlying the diversity of all living organisms

A.        Organisms have basic needs for survival

Describe the basic needs of most plants (i.e., air, water, light, nutrients, temperature

B.         Organisms progress through life cycles unique to different types of organisms

a.  Describe and sequence the stages in the life cycle (for a plant) of seed germination, growth and development, reproduction,  and death (i.e., a flowering plant)

D.        Plants and animals have different structures that serve similar functions necessary for the survival of the organism

a.    Identify the major organs (roots, stems, flowers, leaves) and their functions in vascular plants (e.g., absorption, transport, reproduction) (Do  NOT assess the term vascular


2.  Living organisms carry out life processes in order to survive

C.        Complex multicellular organisms have systems that interact to carry out life processes through physical and chemical means

a.        Illustrate and trace the path of water and nutrients as they move through the transport system of a plant

3.  There is a genetic basis for the transfer of biological characteristics from one generation to the next through productive processes

D.        There is heritable variation within every species of organism

a.  Identify and relate the similarities and differences between plants and their offspring (i.e., seedlings)


Strand 4:  Changes in Ecosystems and Interactions of Organisms with their Environments

2. Matter and energy flow through an ecosystem

A.        As energy flows through the ecosystem, all organisms capture a portion of that energy and transform it to a form they can use

a.     Identify sunlight as the primary source of energy  plants use to produce their own food

b.     Classify populations of organisms as producers or consumers by the role they serve in the ecosystem

c.     Sequence the flow of energy through a food chain beginning with the Sun

d.     Predict the possible effects of removing an organism from a food chain


Strand 5:  Processes and Interactions of the Earth’s Systems (Geosphere, Atmosphere, and Hydrosphere)

1.  Earth’s systems (geosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere) have common components and unique structures

C.        The atmosphere (air) is composed of a mixture of gases, including water vapor, and minute particles

a.     Identify that liquid water can be changed into a gas (vapor) in the air.

b.     Identify that clouds are composed of tiny droplets of water

c.     Identify air as a substance that surrounds us, taking up space and moves around us as wind

E.         Changes in the form of water as it moves through Earth’s systems are described as the water cycle

a.     Describe clouds and precipitation as forms of water


Strand 6:  Composition and Structure of the Universe and the Motion of the Objects Within It

A.  The Earth, Sun, and Moon are part of a larger system that includes other planets and smaller celestial bodies

a.     Describe our Sun as a star because it provides light energy to the solar system

b.  Observe and identify the Moon as a reflection of light


2.  Regular and predictable motions of objects in the universe can be described and explained as the result of gravitational forces

A. The apparent position of the Sun and other stars, as seen from Earth, change in observable patterns

a.        Illustrate and describe how the Sun appears to move slowly across the sky from east to west during the day

B.         The apparent position of the moon, as seen from Earth, and its actual position relative to Earth change in observable patterns

a.     Illustrate and describe how the Moon appears to move slowly across the sky from east to west during the day and/or night

b.     Describe the pattern of change that can be observed in the Moon’s appearance relative to time of day and month as it occurs over several months

(Do NOT assess moon phases)

C.        The regular and predictable motions of the Earth and Moon relative to the Sun explain natural phenomena on Earth, such as day, month, year, shadows, moon phases, eclipses, tides, and seasons

a.      Observe and identify there is a day/night cycle every 24 hours

b.      Describe the changes in length and position (direction) of shadows from morning to midday to afternoon

c.      Describe how the Sun’s position in the sky changes the length and position of shadows


Strand 7:  Scientific Inquiry

1. Science understanding is developed through the use of science process skills, scientific knowledge, scientific investigation, reasoning, and critical thinking

A.        Scientific inquiry includes the ability of students to formulate a testable question and explanation, and to select appropriate investigative methods in order to obtain evidence relevant to the explanation

a.        Pose questions about objects, materials, organisms, and events in the environment

b.        Plan and conduct a fair test to answer a question

B.         Scientific inquiry relies upon gathering evidence from qualitative and quantitative observations

a.        Make qualitative observations using the five senses

b.        Make observations using simple tools and equipment (e.g., hand lenses, magnets, thermometers, metric rulers, balances, graduated cylinders)

c.        Measure length to the nearest centimeter, mass using grams, temperature using degrees Celsius, volume using liters

d.        Compare amounts/measurements  

e.        Judge whether measurements and computation of quantities are reasonable

C.        Scientific inquiry includes evaluation of explanations (laws/principles, theories/models) in light of evidence (data) and           scientific principles (understandings)

a.        Use quantitative and qualitative data as support for reasonable explanations

b.        Use data as support for observed patterns and relationships, and to make predictions to be tested

c.        Evaluate the reasonableness of an explanation

d.        Analyze whether evidence supports proposed explanations

D.        The nature of science relies upon communication of results and justification of explanations

a.        Communicate simple procedures and results of investigations and explanations through:

? oral presentations

? drawings and maps

? data tables

? graphs (bar, single line, pictograph)

? writings


Strand 8:  Impact of Science, Technology and Human Activity

1.  The nature of technology can advance, and is advanced by, science as it seeks to apply scientific knowledge in ways that meet human needs

A.        Designed objects are used to do things better or more easily and to do some things that could not otherwise be done at all

a.  Observe and identify that some objects or materials (e.g., Sun, fire, ice, snow) occur in nature (natural objects); others (e.g., stoves, refrigerators, bulbs, candles, lanterns) have been designed and made by people to solve human problems and enhance the quality of life (human-made objects)

B.         Advances in technology often result in improved data collection and an increase in scientific information

a.  Describe how new technologies have helped scientists make better observations and measurements for investigations (e.g., telescopes, magnifiers, balances, microscopes, computers, stethoscopes, thermometers)


2. Historical and cultural perspectives of scientific explanations help to improve understanding of the nature of science and how science knowledge and technology evolve over time

A.        People of different gender and ethnicity have contributed to scientific discoveries and the invention of technological innovations

a.    Research biographical information about various scientists and inventors from different gender and ethnic backgrounds, and describe how their work contributed to science and technology (Assess Locally)


3.  Science and technology affect, and are affected by, society

A.        People, alone or in groups, are always making discoveries about nature and inventing new ways to solve problems and get work done

a.  Identify a question that was asked, or could be asked, or a problem that needed to be solved when given a brief scenario (fiction or nonfiction of people working alone or in groups solving everyday problems or learning through discovery)

b.  Work with a group to solve a problem, giving due credit to the ideas and contributions of each group member (Assess Locally)

Social Studies


Principles of Constitutional Democracy

1.  Knowledge of the principles expressed in documents shaping constitutional democracy in the United States

A.        Principles of constitutional democracy in the United States

Identify and explain why cities make laws and ordinances

B.         Role of citizens and governments in carrying out constitutional principles

Discuss and apply responsibilities of citizens including respect for the rights of others and treating others fairly (justice)

C.        Understanding of the main purposes of United States documents

State the main purposes of the Declaration of Independence

Identify the purpose of the Constitution

D.        Knowledge of the symbols of our nation

Explain how the National Anthem symbolizes our nation


Principles and Processes of Governance Systems

2.  Knowledge of principles and processes of governance systems

A.  Principles and purposes of government

Analyze peaceful resolution of disputes by courts or other legitimate authorities, such as parents, teachers, principals, etc

C.  Processes of governmental systems

Describe how authoritative decisions are made, enforced and interpreted within the federal government

Identify and explain the functions of the three branches of government in the federal government


Missouri, United States and World History

3a.  Knowledge of continuity and change in the history of Missouri and the United States

G.        Knowledge of contributions of non-Missourians

Describe the contributions of Martin Luther King, Jr.


Economic Concepts and Principles

4.  Knowledge of economic concepts (including productivity and the market system) and principles (including the laws of supply and demand)

A.  Knowledge of basic economic concepts, being able to explain and use them to interpret historical and current events

Identify and explain public goods and services

Distinguish among natural, capital and human resources

B.   Understanding the consequences of personal and public economic decisions

Conduct a cost-benefit analysis

C.  Understanding various types of taxes and their purposes

Identify taxes that students experience, such as sales taxes

List how tax moneys are used, who benefits from tax-supported services and who pays for these services


Elements of Geographical Study and Analysis

A.        Reading and constructing maps

Read and construct maps

B.         Understanding the concept of location to make predictions and solve problems

Identify and locate the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers

Locate and identify the states bordering Missouri on a map

Describe and use absolute location using a grid system

D.        Relationships within places (Human-Environment Interactions)


Describe various ecosystems in Missouri and the world and what physical factors cause them to be as they are

E.         Understanding relationships between and among places

Describe how changes in communication and transportation technologies affect people’s lives

Explain why people living in different places (cities, suburbs, towns, villages) and specializing in different ways of making a living have a need to interact with each other

F.         Understanding relationships between and among regions

Identify examples of different regions (e.g., urban, rural, recreational area, wheat-producing region, business district)

Relationships of Individuals and Groups to Institutions and Traditions

A.  Cultures meeting the needs of people

Compare how people’s needs have been met in different ways in different cultures at various times

C.        Methods of resolving conflicts

Take part in a constructive process or method for resolving conflicts (such processes or methods include identifying the problem, listing alternatives, selecting criteria for judging the alternatives, evaluating the alternatives and making a decision)


Tools of Social Science Inquiry

7.  Knowledge of the use of tools of social science inquiry (such as surveys, statistics, maps and documents)

A.  Identify, select, use, analyze and create appropriate resources, primary and secondary, for social science inquiry

Identify, select and use visual, graphic and auditory aids (timelines and diagrams)

Identify, use and create primary and secondary sources (diaries, letters, people, interviews, journals and photos)

Identify and use library and media resources (electronic resources, dictionaries, encyclopedias, videos, periodicals, atlases, almanacs, telephone directories, and books)

Identify and use artifacts (building structures and materials, works of art representative of cultures, fossils, pottery, tools, clothing, musical instruments)